Have you face depression problem



There is a direct relationship between long-term diseases such as depression and diabetes and high blood pressure.

 This has been revealed in a recent study.  According to a study, women with symptoms of depression are more likely to have such a condition. 

In this study, studies of symptoms of depression were first and foremost in women's illness and later on.

 One of the major researchers, Jiaolin Ju said that women are suffering from many serious diseases today.

 Diabetes, cancer, heart disease is growing rapidly.  We studied how these diseases develop before and after the symptoms of depression.

 In the study, 43.2 percent of women said they had symptoms of depression.

  Only half of these women identified depression with medical examination and she was treated.
 These women were first seen 1.8 times the risk of serious illness.  Even during depression, these diseases in women were 2.4% more likely to be afflicted than normal women. 
Research has shown that depression is related to similar genetic causes.  It has also been revealed in the research that women who had depression related to low-paying families.
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